Finally, a different title! “The life of okra and bamboo fence,

Finally, a different title! “The life of okra and bamboo fence, LOL. 这次可算有点不一样的标题了!秋葵,和竹筒路的一生嘻嘻

“一棵花藤攀着高低木栅栏蔓延生长,朝着光”这是几年前在一部动画片里所记住的画面…今年春天,我也种下类似这样一条竹筒花路旁边还跟着种了一片秋葵!春去秋来,无数藤蔓和果实都在向阳而生,总归是充满希望的吧!“A climbing vine wires up and down the wood fence, following faithfully the path of light.”That is the scene I could remember from a cartoon film a few years ago…This spring, I built a similar bamboo fence of flowering vines,And planted a patch of okra next to it!When spring fades into autumn glory, a multitude of vines and fruits turn their faces toward the sun.Full of hopes, as always.

Posted by 李子柒 on Friday, August 7, 2020


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